Students are expected to follow specific guidelines listed below and take any additional common sense precautions to protect assigned devices. Loss or damage resulting in failure to abide by the details below may result in full financial responsibility. Following the standards below will lead to a device that will run smoothly and serve as a reliable, useful, and enjoyable learning device.
Students are responsible for the general care of the Chromebook they have been issued by the Ellensburg School District. Chromebooks that are broken or fail to work properly must be taken to the Library for an evaluation of the device.
Chromebooks are intended for use at school each day. In addition to teacher expectations for use, school messages, announcements, calendars, handbooks and schedules may be accessed using the device. School staff and administration have the right to check any material stored on a student’s Chromebook at any time.
Chromebooks Left at Home:
Chromebook Undergoing Repair:
Charging Your Device’s Battery:
Screensavers and Backgrounds:
Sound, Music, Games or Programs:
Home Internet Access:
Chromebooks that are not in use should be stored in locker, desk, or kept in carrying case that is with the student. Never leave it unattended or unsecured.