Cross Country

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 Ahletes Text "@eburg23" to 81010

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Race Calendar and Results

All athletes attend all meets except Oct 14 Lewis & Clark and Nov 4 state


Parent Volunteer Chats

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Congratulations on a great 2023 Season!

Cross Country is for You!

Cross Country running is an exciting fall sport at the high school. A cross country race is usually 3 miles and occurs on grass and trails. You should consider cross country for your fall sport because:

• No one sits on the bench. All athletes get to race each race. You don’t have to be a superstar to get playing time in cross country.

• You will feel good about yourself as you improve! No matter what your current fitness, you will see improvement in yourself through the season.

• You will meet friendly people. All athletes, varsity and junior varsity, boys, and girls, practice together (although some run farther). By the time school starts you will have new friends in all classes from freshmen to senior.

• And of course… cross country is FUN.

Don’t worry if you’ve never run before. Many of our varsity runners did not enjoy running until they joined the cross country team.

Team Philosophy: Ellensburg Cross Country emphasizes the three C’s of cross country:

Character- Ellensburg cross country runners do their best is all areas of their lives. They are honest and dependable. They are confident yet humble and display good sportsmanship. They demonstrate good character even when no one is looking.

Commitment- Ellensburg cross country runners give their best effort consistently over time. They know that the process of striving for excellence is what gives running meaning. They live a lifestyle conducive to high performance: good nutrition, sleep, avoiding alcohol and drugs.

Community- Ellensburg cross country runners create a unique team identity where everyone is welcome and no hazing occurs. Runners do not say “no” when other athletes ask to be included. Ellensburg cross country contributes to the broader Ellensburg community through service.

Questions: Contact Coach Hashimoto @ 933-1409 or



Cross Country Corner