Grades K-5 Additional Resources

Here you will find supplemental resources that provide additional opportunities for your child to engage in learning at home. We highly encourage parents and guardians to read the terms and privacy policies before creating an account or providing information online for any of the following resources.

Brain Pop provides interactive social studies lessons and games for grades 3-5

Subject(s): Social Studies

Grade Level(s): 3-5

Brain Pop provides interactive health lessons and games for grades 3-5.

Subject(s): Health

Grade Level(s): 3-5

Brain Pop provides interactive science lessons and games for grades 3-5.

Subject(s): Science

Grade Level(s): 3-5

Daily instructional videos for science (Grades 3–5). We will post new video lessons and update our content daily. Continue checking this page for more free resources as we refresh our content.

Subject(s): Science

Grade Level(s): 3-5

As a programming language that has already touched the lives of millions of children, Scratch is a great tool for beginner programmers. Scratch offers block-based visual programming that is both simple-to-learn and very flexible.

Subject(s): Computer Science

Grade Level(s): 3-5